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[消息] 2011年4月6日NAVIGATOR文字(中文)

发表于 2011-4-8 10:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 edelweissyan 于 2011-4-8 22:48 编辑
( @" ^4 \1 Y' {2 q8 e# F% _8 h4 ^! P2 W6 \& C2 a( C
NAV Y7 T88 - Award-winning Program: 6 April 11
Spoon-billed Sandpiper Research”, salt farm, Hardlane coastline…the inner Gulf
勺嘴鹬研究”,盐场, Hardlane 海岸线。。。内湾
Arrived at KokKharm salt farm, Muang district, Samutsakorn province by his new Yamaha bike
Today’s trip is about following the research team from Marine and Coastal Resources Research Centre. The task is to collect some soil samples in the target birds feeding area in order to identify its preys
Started with girls in the team went into the field collecting planktons, followed by men measuring water, soil ph, saltiness, temperature, etc
And Navigator can’t resist joining this activity
The collecting areas are determined from some Eunicidae/Polychaete found on the surface, soil are cleaned before collecting
They also collect seagrasses which house some Amphipods
We are heading back to the centre…
In this plate we have a group of organisms collected earlier from where spoon-billed came for its preys. In the mud coastline area we found groups of Polychaete, which are kept in these bottles. But in salt farms we found some Amphipods
This pink bottle consists of proteins that turned into this color using mango rose chemical substance, whereas the normal color bottle consists of dirt that has shown no reaction from the chemical we’ve used
The environment here is still in good condition for shorebirds and it should continue as long as the forest and mangrove lands are well kept. The responsible areas of this research centre are from Petchburi coastline through to Cholburi’s and for all aspects which regards to coastline’s environment and ecology
Moving on to BaanPakTalay, PakTalay subdistrict, BaanLaem district, Petchburi province
Sawasdee krub, today Navigator is presenting spoon-billed sandpiper research team on their routines. The spoon-billed is a rare find and is at risk of becoming extinct…
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 10:22 | 显示全部楼层
NAV Y7 T88 - Award-winning Program: 6 April 11
% f) Y& y) ]/ A4 M& i: P- L! K9 s  M& q) O3 T: b1 O3 w: r
“Spoon-billed Sandpiper Research”, salt farm, Hardlane coastline…the inner Gulf& b! N6 D; o7 U+ o7 L2 |9 y, o

: i! U7 ^7 U( e9 Mpage 2
) d. A- ?3 g, \( Q( u4 ]# j7 ]' T
; [* D6 Q1 z$ P8 c. c. H# L+ U11-13
4 I! Y+ n6 a7 h( ~  F8 \! B$ qWe’re in large piece of salt farms, salt farming is one of Thai ingenuity and here is where we’ll find spoon-bills
: K4 t& h+ e! d6 O: Q- w
& Y. {4 G1 S2 j9 o/ m- _148 I5 r  Z/ _; }, g- z
It’s now 6 am, when we’re doing bird story we became a morning person. Have some Birdy before starting a day
3 |- q  u& v. x' K6 Y; P6 H
$ c9 B8 ^: q  u& H; V15, e+ g3 H! A0 m3 A) L9 P( J
Navigator has been sitting and waiting for sppon-billed for half a day already, let’s make a move to explore nearby area. When we are at sea or seashore, we can feel a strong wind…
' N! p: u! Z/ D* s# N2 j6 m; b
$ \' k6 H5 E( R" N' Z; F16
3 c) x0 X$ J; h) |. \We’re visiting BaanDonPinDad village, BangKunsai subdistrict, BaanLaem district, Petchburi province to learn how they make use of wind as source of energy for windmill under the “84 Sub-districts On A Sufficient Path” project of Petroleum Authority of Thailand
  T% g8 i, B; ^+ X( u
$ X+ Y+ A0 O, k7 i% C7 Q, R17* V2 H9 R- l7 @% s
Windmill project bring so much benefits to the community
/ [5 U8 M6 W, D6 G# ~) w7 Y3 x/ |9 i# ~* Z, [7 X6 m
18" C; R3 K/ ?/ W( I( k+ @
This windmill pumps water to feed people on the highland especially during the drought, this helps them to keep up with their farm works and earning, |7 C9 y9 w4 i
( y& O' ?1 @" z( r( W, H
19! w8 `7 s2 D" H, b$ |
The windmill initiation helps people to save not only their cost of gasoline, electricity but also natural resource as it operates in a green way: N8 O# U: a, [: Y1 L

! C' f5 e' z& @) E3 `* f, Z8 ?& @20-21
# s. `# j" h0 P, e  RThank you krub for showing a good thing, hope to visit here again and to see more use of windmill, perhaps hundreds of them
& V! l( T, X# E) a) }
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 10:23 | 显示全部楼层
NAV Y7 T88 - Award-winning Program: 6 April 11( s' q0 V) I$ S8 u# i7 q

  C% @. c, f+ J/ R* c“Spoon-billed Sandpiper Research”, salt farm, Hardlane coastline…the inner Gulf
; k2 A4 X, T; v0 z! x3 w) a  B( o  f1 l% T# l
page 3
2 G: H* |" {9 G0 V
# |/ p. I& [, Q) J: _7 w1 g1 b4 L22
0 D& ?% ^( \" `# [6 z3 t+ c  gBack to PakTalay salt farm for spoon-billed sandpiper at BaanChaiLane – the country’s (perhaps the world’s) famous birdwatching spot. We are here to continue waiting for these spoon-billed. I/ Tik have birdwatching guide with me
! P5 T" \/ K! ~6 [/ \+ S, u; t2 x0 \& y/ K; h
4 {" e7 E/ R- d" E# [+ hBird number 307, page 152-153 is Spoon-billed sandpiper
1 v+ O6 l! J# q4 p2 b0 Q$ F- \" V! a5 r
0 u  C* B( p1 c2 P2 W8 Q4 d& gSpoon-billed Sandpiper looks like Red-necked Stint esp in a side view but it has a distinct spatulate bill just like spoon. Breeding habitat are salt farm, shrimp farm, sea coast and adjacent land. It is among the world’s most endangered birds wintering here at BaanLaem district, Petchburi province, inner Gulf of Thailand krub% }0 p/ b. [0 \$ M" r2 A8 f
5 B9 P0 ]4 W, Z  J6 H$ }7 L
25-28# K2 j  }) j6 F  h& t2 I, f
Finding Spoonbilled is very difficult, the team use telescope to help finding
' Z# N: R" b/ ]3 p& d& X# X2 z2 S" |& A6 K* {
3 Y3 K) A+ w7 J$ k; LNavigator follows the research team to the working field
2 P2 l7 P8 `- F4 y/ X$ @8 U. P' _2 F1 e( @- C# J. G2 ^& r" y
: w: m  Y+ N" F: ?10.45 am at PakTalay with Pe Dang, he’s a guide working in the research project. Last time I went birdwatching with him and visited his house, he is a guru for birdwatchers. He started birdwatching 5 years ago, and keep birdwatching and studying about birds seriously for four9 b) h) ?8 l8 t% C5 A; q5 v
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 10:25 | 显示全部楼层
NAV Y7 T88 - Award-winning Program: 6 April 11) B# e- k0 k9 F. S% o  f* l

* s4 [( ~) D! Z4 @“Spoon-billed Sandpiper Research”, salt farm, Hardlane coastline…the inner Gulf
$ V6 ]1 `' S4 L! D2 Y- t3 d5 F. G
+ `9 |3 R: \3 z% {6 O: F/ z' wpage 4; ^, N' _6 i5 p! a- e

9 k" d  |* r6 ]  d6 X, d5 K31" a, T7 C6 j( P7 L$ A) F3 |5 Z! E
Pe Dang: this year I started my birdwatching since January, yesterday I found 5 spoonbilled sandpipers. In this area the most found is 8, but I don’t know may be there’re more than 8 spoonbilled around, I only focus on studying its behavior – one at a time
0 f# E7 l/ P! y. S$ @8 c$ e# L  B- Q1 q& F2 H
322 Z' @1 V1 z& j8 x; Y7 V
High and low tides have something to do with the birds as spoonbilled come into the mud coastline at low tide and leave when high tide, but not all of them from his observation
, n4 @* N  s& ^  M- h7 TI see 2 spoonbilled over there, there’s a chance that they will come closer2 E" t1 W+ ^. ]/ G( \6 F/ p5 A9 S
% n# y( T$ ?, V1 ~
$ g& s4 t7 s. g% I3 _9 g3 x! _We’ve got some photos of spoonbilled but we still waiting for more, now is 8.55, a cloudy sky morning0 P! z' z4 u9 K+ _* R% S/ k
There are no more than 400 spoonbilled sandpipers remaining in the world and their population is declining significantly heading towards extinction. The rapid decline of the species resulted from human invasion. Last year there was one spoonbilled remains in the area till now, so it is possible that here will become their habitat so we need to find out more how to save them otherwise it might become extinct within 2-3 years7 @: w  E; n: \2 J( n( r
9 Q1 j! i2 W2 y. [2 r4 {4 W" ?$ P
At this time of year – March is their breeding season and when these birds migrate northward to their breeding area, we can notice its features now are red-brown and not a pale brownish-grey as before : X& A6 u  e) \4 A) E% T; w! f
. O$ Y1 N& B( y7 X. t
After March each year we see quite a number of migrant birds remain in this land
: s) L& \! [% c. n. e1 e6 Q5 B# g1 p3 M( g, o2 }, H
. g$ x  g. C' P( r" [6 V) wAt KokKarm mud coastline, KokKarm subdistrict, Muang district, Samutsakorn province, we are here to collect soil sample in the area where spoonbilled come for feed
, t' ^7 A; H/ V& F2 }# KYesterday the research team was here around half past noon and found spoonbilled, so we repeat our collecting in the same area for today and tomorrow, or at least 3 days consecutive
2 ]0 W; ]" l  D1 C2 z7 q7 R% g
! X) F# b0 C- }3 e- l; Z' Z/ Z& y35! N( B, D9 @; {6 a: @
We are about to collect the soil to identify its preys3 o! g4 f5 c" `/ [3 T3 P0 f
" v# [7 K. t( h5 O3 a
6 c' z) y4 M7 E1 T, {2 }8 k2 ^9 r8 hThe researchers estimated there is more likely that some spoonbilled will come for feeds within these three kilometers along the KokKarm coastline, so he has to keep skating the board to find them  B. ?7 x7 G0 a9 N  r5 r% H
At low tide, mud coastline/ mudflat is cleared, spoonbilled passed thru the area then back again to check the tide level and if the coastline is cleared enough, then they gathering around the area. We still have abundant coastline4 D; V2 U) p: I' a" Q

7 i9 ]/ ?$ X; I$ _9 t/ AWe collected 2 types of soil samples i.e. soil in the feeding area and vice versa/ G. {! E0 c0 U
/ o- G9 @% y, K5 V" ?7 [
/ @, b6 r" J) B. tAt PakTalay salt farm – we are here for shorebirds. V! {* S$ p: n

8 h4 H7 ]/ g) P* j. A38# j$ W" f0 T8 C; m8 l, q/ V$ b
The second week of March 2011, I’m with Pe Vicha. We’ve met at Kra Island a couple of years ago, he is one of my mentors for birdwatching
5 J0 q# E) E' ]1 X6 j  @
7 z8 [( H/ Z' xRecent study has identified there are less than 400 spoonbilled left worldwide, international scientists are working on potential breeding sites. They study its migrant route, monitor diminishing populations at several breeding/ wintering sites globally. For Thailand, research expedition has been carried out to its wintering grounds from Cholburi to Petchburi provinces to observe, record and note taken on its behavior, their favourite sites. We conducted a 100 hours study of its behavior, record on a daily basis, breakdown to 15 mins each. This will provide an insight on their foods, food sources, opportunity to find its new sites, to control conditions to minimize disturbance and to work on conservation) Q% `+ C( o. Q/ T5 x* h
7 o3 I& w: q6 n) S
Spoonbilled sandpiper’s breeding origin is in Russia, it migrates down to its main wintering grounds in Bangladesh and Myanmar, a maximum number of 200 sandpipers found in Myanmar. In Thailand there were no more than 20 spoon billed sandpipers found of which 8 were at PakTalay, 3 at KokKarm, totaled of 11 from this area alone. In view of birdwatching tour, Thailand is more convenient than Myanmar as you can find them in salt farm whereas in Myanmar you will have to travel to mud coastline for them. We can also look forward to boosting income distribution here resulted from ecotourism provided that there is a conservation plan in place, a proper operation and management of the tourist areas, etc/ s5 K& m2 ^# w# o
; b. N0 Q2 D/ |8 o0 _$ A8 ^( c
Pe Vicha: what makes spoonbilled so special is its mystery, ever since he started observing and taking picture of birds till now he has over ten thousands pictures, he never can picture spoonbilled with its prey! Spoonbilled sandpiper’s feeding is different than other birds and it tends to keep its head down, with its bill in the water all the time. It uses their odd bills more like shovels than spoons by sensing and grabbing foods as they pass between that flattened tips of the mandible, straining water out. I hope we can find the way to keep them from extinction ) w7 U( l/ P2 o8 q% W& x! X. a3 o

0 k1 P* _9 N% }* ?! q3 {0 R1 O39
. Z# S4 T( ?: q( v& p7.50 am, there are 3 spoonbilled ahead, Tik is approaching as quiet as possible to take picture of them at a close range, he adjusts a focal point as he walks…he’s got it finally# \4 o6 P+ p  C; t2 |* w! o4 H
NAV Y7 T88 - Award-winning Program: 6 April 11
3 l$ a; j" I* Y; W, _7 J3 J" P% N/ l9 q6 ]& K" ~$ ~
“Spoon-billed Sandpiper Research”, salt farm, Hardlane coastline…the inner Gulf
. Y/ v! c" X1 v7 d- _7 c% h- S# S+ J3 B
page 5 -last
" I& q" B, O$ J) g8 q( ~; f- Z0 t7 u5 V# K9 c9 O% @9 g1 B
/ R9 m6 ^2 Z3 @. t% [4 O0 J$ {Less than 400 of Spoon-billed Sandpipers remain in the wild…some of them are here in front of us… in Thailand…
$ R0 [4 c5 |$ P
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发表于 2011-4-8 21:12 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 22:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 edelweissyan 于 2011-4-9 08:33 编辑 5 V8 k/ M  C( {0 p2 X( S- O

2 s1 W) {+ k4 g7 W3 u8 W1
5 e8 ?4 I" }3 C# ^% |TIK骑着他崭新的Yamaha机车来到了Samutsakorn府、Muang区的KokKharm盐场,; V+ |: L* G# D$ b; Q, W
- e/ E% `) E0 ~  {& ]- p今天的旅程是跟随海洋和海岸资源研究中心去目标鸟群侍养基地收集土壤样本以便识别鸟类的猎物/ O# y! p6 |! P* E; n
+ Y' J7 b, @6 I由一个女孩带头开始收集浮游生物,男士们接着测试水/土壤的PH值、含盐量、温度等
; i, {) q' O8 v) f% ?6 q4 R+ v4 A4
; @2 E+ V. V9 p2 a' fNAVIGATOR团队忍不住加入了他们的行动
2 f& b3 y- E: |/ N$ K1 d- W# \- ^4 {5
7 w3 c1 ^8 B; B0 w3 b& e收集区域由地面找到的多毛类生物来决定,收集时保证土壤干净
2 T5 |+ N/ }+ D5 G& N6
, ~6 o% s2 h" P: X$ h; l他们也收集海草,这些海草中居住着一些端足目动物
& ]4 l' y+ y. n+ S; b我们在返回中心的途中
$ d2 y) R7 e- k' P72 I/ J$ u/ {! u: ]: D
7 T  x3 H1 V0 z  w8
. F  L( A7 d* u4 Z) e  W% q/ e& R; |粉色瓶内含有蛋白质,它变成这种颜色是因为我们使用了芒果玫瑰类化学物质,但是另外那些正常颜色的瓶子里边只有污垢,它与我们所使用的化学成分不发生反应。( A8 r8 V7 F* C- R3 _$ O/ H
0 P; T8 i5 o$ e这里的环境依然适宜于水鸟生存,只要森林与红树保持得好,这里将永远适于鸟类生存。该研究中心研究的目标地段是从Petchburi海岸线一直延伸到Cholburi,他们要研究这一地段的环境及生态的方方面面。
9 s* x9 R9 ~/ P4 R2 w5 x10/ D1 n) _# _" L/ |
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 22:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lily_zl 于 2011-4-8 23:32 编辑 3 F' t. K6 b- I7 ]3 K# x

) K& U% j" q0 c8 W. Z
page 2
我们参观BaanDonPinDad村庄(位于Petchburi府、BaanLaem区、BangKunsai片区),学习他们如何利用风能带动风车,这也是泰国石油管理局项目“84 Sub-districts On A Sufficient Path”的一个子项目。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 22:42 | 显示全部楼层
page 3
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 22:45 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 edelweissyan 于 2011-4-9 08:45 编辑 / R( r- k2 w/ }6 B
/ a- ^/ @& t; I! k: D) R
page 4
P’Dang: 今年一月起我开始我的观鸟,昨天我发现5只勺嘴鹬。这个地区发现最多的一次是8只,但我想也许这周边不止8只勺嘴鹬,但我只只关注它们的行为----一次只能观察一只。
在每年的这个时候 ---- 三月是它们的繁殖季节,当这些鸟类向北迁徙到了自己的繁殖地,我们现在可以看到它的特点是红褐色,而不是以前的淡棕灰色。
勺嘴鹬的繁殖起源于俄罗斯,它迁移至其主要越冬孟加拉国和缅甸,曾在在缅甸发现的最大数量勺嘴鹬(200只)。在泰国有不超过20只勺嘴鹬,其中8只在PakTalay3只在KokKarm,这个地区共计11只。 对于观鸟,泰国比缅甸方便很多,因为在泰国你可以在盐场找到它们,而在缅甸,你将不得不为它们前往泥海岸线。如果这个地区实施生态保护计划,并进行适当的运作和管理的话,我们可以期待这个地区会由于旅游而带来收入。
page 5 -last


参与人数 1威望 +2 金钱 +10 王国积分 +10 王国爱心 +10 收起 理由
lily_zl + 2 + 10 + 10 + 10 十分感谢


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-8 22:47 | 显示全部楼层
今天周末,俺心情好就一并译了吧,截图好像前两天发过了,所以就不再发了1 g- g6 {: C& o* w4 Y
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